Full Spectrum Childbirth Education

Offering culturally-humble, trauma-informed, and comprehensive childbirth education


Pregnancy can be overwhelming! Many people report feeing unclear about the options available to them in pregnancy and postpartum, and when they look for answers they end up getting unhelpful, unsolicited, and/or incorrect advice and information. 

These courses are taught through an advocacy lens, and is appropriate for anyone who is interested in exploring not only the options available to them as a pregnant person, but also the context surrounding the decisions they make about their care.

Classes are open to all birthing persons, including partnered or un-partnered, 2SLGBTQI+, and include the addition of a support person to attend with you.

What is Full Spectrum Education and Care?

Full spectrum is a term that is used to describe Doulas and Childbirth Educators who are trained to support the entire spectrum of reproduction, including fertility, pregnancy, birth, loss, abortion, and postpartum with attention and focus on advocacy, anti-oppressive ways, inclusivity and client centred care.

Childbirth Classes

Our courses cover a wide range of topics, including:

  • Self-Advocacy in Pregnancy, Labor, Birth, and Postpartum

  • Pregnancy Experiences, Comfort Measures, and Complications

  • Care Providers

  • What to Expect During Labor and How to Prepare

  • Labor Comfort Measures

  • Medical Support in Birth, Postpartum, and Early Infant Care

  • Postpartum Planning, Experiences, and Healing

  • Basics of Infant Care and Feeding

Offering a variety of class options to suit your schedule and needs: Weekly or Weekend workshop, Online or In-person